Söndags-smakbit # 48
Bloggen Betraktelser ger oss på söndagar chansen att publicera ett litet smakprov ur en bok vi läser.
Jag läser The house on Rye Lane av Susan Allott
Jag har länkat titeln till Goodreads där du kan läsa mer.
Smakbit sid. 122
”In the kitchen at the rear of Maries Café, Ruth pushed half a quiche Lorraine, cling-wrapped, into her bag. She slid it down to the bottom where it could lie flat. Then she put her purse on top of it, nobody would miss the quiche. She still felt sick with nerves as she shut the fridge door and walked out of the kitchen, her arm tight against the bag. She shouted by to Marie and smiled at the man near the window who´d slid a pound coin across the table towards her when she+d brought him his toast. There was a tips jar on the counter, next to the till, and the money got shared out once a month. But the pound coin had gone into her shoe when she was on her own behind the counter. Later on, after the lunchtime rush, someone had left her a fiver and she´d gone into the staffroom and pushed it down her bra. The pound coin had been crippling her all day.”
Lottens Bokblogg
Tack för smakbiten. Jag kände inte till boken, men den verkar spännande på beskrivningen. Ruth i smakbiten verkar inte riktigt ha koll på mitt och ditt?
Hanneles bokparadis
Inte läst författaren, tack för smakbiten.
Tack för smakbiten! Den vill jag nog läsa.
Verkar som att Ruth av någon anledning tycker sig ha rätt till mer än de andra.
kände inte alls till den här boken. tack för smakebiten!