Söndags-smakbit # 6
Bloggen Betraktelser ger oss på söndagar chansen att publicera ett litet smakprov ur en bok vi läser.
Jag läser The virgin suicides av Jeffrey Eugenidis I länken kan du läsa mer om boken.
smakbit sid. 65
”- The only reliable boy who got to know Lux during that time was Trip Fontaine, but his sense of honor kept us in the dark for years. Only eighteen months before the suicides, Trip Fontaine had emerged from baby fat to the delight of girls and women alike. Because we had known him as a pudgy boy whose teeth slanted out of his open, trolling mouth like those of a deep.sea fish, we hade been slow to recognize his transformation.”
sid 125-126
”- He could sense her whole being through the kiss, he said, as though her soul escaped through her lips, as the Renaissance believed. He tasted first the grease of her ChapStick, then the sad Brusselssprout flavor of her last meal, and past that the dust of lost afternoons and the salt of tear ducts. The peach schnapps faded away as he sampled the juices of her inner organs, all slightly acidic with woe. Sometimes her lips grew strangely cold, and, peeking, he saw she kissed with her frightened eyes wide open.”
Den har jag läst och sett som film. Tack för smakbiten!
Jag tycker jag känner igen titeln. Tror att jag sett bland smakebitarna hos någon annan för längesedan. Har inte läst den.
Hanneles bokparadis
inte direkt lockande smakbit
Jag gillar soundtracket och såg filmen för lääänge sen. Läste boken i höstas eller så och blev lite besviken.