
Söndags-smakbit # 29

21 juli 2024



Bloggen Betraktelser ger oss på söndagar chansen att publicera ett litet smakprov ur en bok vi läser.
Jag läser Bellman & Black -a ghost story av Diane Setterfield. Jag har länkat titeln till Goodreads där du kan läsa mer om boken.

Smakbit sid 13
” Six days out of every seven the area along the Burford Road resounded with the clattering, booming, clanging, rattling, thundering nois of Bellman´s Mill. At the end of the day, when the shuttles were brought to rest and the mill wheel ceased to turn, the ears of the workers still rang with the vibration of it all. This ringing stayed with them as they made their way to their small cottages, was still there as they climbed into their beds at night and, as often as not, continued to sound through their dreams.”

sid 191
” As the interview was progressing, Bellman took his notebook from his pocket. Girl No 1 he wrote. He listened to her answers studied her manner and her appearance and gave her 7 to indicate her general aptitude for the job. The next column was the one that gave him pause for thought. The figure he entered here was to reflect a more elusive quality. His seamstresses would not always work out of sight upstairs. Sometimes they would be called on to go out to customer´s homes, to measure up and make dresses in situ, to dress a whole family and the servants in mourning-wear in just a few days.”

6 kommentarer
  1. Svara

    Hanneles bokparadis

    21 juli 2024

    tilltalande omslag, tack för smakbiten.

  2. Svara

    Lottens Bokblogg

    21 juli 2024

    ”A ghost story” avskräcker mig en del av någon underlig anledning

    • Svara


      21 juli 2024

      Någonting kryper under skinnet, men det känns absolut inte som någon spökhistoria, den är mycket välskriven , lite Charles Dickens-aktig tycker jag

  3. Svara


    21 juli 2024

    känner till författaren,men jag har inget läst av henne. Dickens – stil låter lovande. tack för smakebiten!

  4. Svara


    21 juli 2024

    Den vill jag läsa! Tack för smakbiten!

  5. Svara


    21 juli 2024

    Spökhistorier är ju alltid lockande ?


Kantstött halvt antik, ringrostig finska som bott i Sverige mer än halva livet, före detta bankkamrer, krögare, hamburgervändare, lucknucka, numera skogsmulle som håller grytan puttrande, gärna med svamp och annat ätligt ur naturens skafferi, matte till hund och dammråttor, mamma, mormor, gammelfarmor/mormor
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