Söndags-smakbit # 3
Bloggen Betraktelser ger oss på söndagar chansen att publicera ett litet smakprov ur en bok vi läser.
Där får du många spännande boktitlar att kika närmare på.
Jag läser Black cake av Charmaine Wilkerson som gör författardebut med den här romanen.
Jag har länkat titeln till förlaget där du kan läsa mer.
Smakbit sid. 54
”Lin spotted a cooler and shoes on the sand, clothes of farious colors blowing about. He and Leonard ran down to the water, already soaked to the skin. Lin peered through sheets of rain and saw a canoe beeing buffeted by the waves. Three swimmers were in the water ahead of the boat, flicking their arms through the spray. This was the worst trick that nature could play on you, really, to make you a father, to fill your chest with that knd of fear for a child. He and Leonard shouted as a high wave capsized the boat and scattered everyone.”
sid 164
” Short Shirt was as skinny as a shadow but tall, and that was how he got his nickname. the shirts that his sister had sewn for him when he was still in eighth form continued to fit his slender body as he grew into manhood, the hems inching up, up, up, until you could see the brown of his stomach.”
sid 332
”Machines are sophisticated but they cannot read love. They cannot tell researchers what it feels like to be part of the sea, to be a blip of arms and legs, a small cavern of a mouth, skimming the briny surfaces of the world. Some people wonder what it would be like to fly. Etta already know. So she keeps flying through the water and she will keep on fighting to protect it.”
Hanneles bokparadis
kanske inte min favoritmode, jag läser också en bra debutbok
Okänd bok för mig.
Det var en bok som jag inte kände till, tack för smakbiten!
har inte hört talas om boken, men den verkar intressant. tack för smakebiten!
Det var en ny bok för mig. Tack för smakbitar!
Helt okänd bok för mig. Tack för smakbiten!
Intressant med en debutbok. Men inte just nu en bok som lockar mig. Har en lång lista och där du gett mig många tips. Tar och betar av den lite
Kram och tack för smakprovet