Söndags-smakbit # 22
Bloggen Betraktelser ger oss på söndagar chansen att publicera ett litet smakprov ur en bok vi läser.
Jag läser The woman in the purple skirt av Natsuko Imamura
Jag har länkat titeln till Good Reads där du kan läsa mer.
Smakbit sid. 26-27
”-A few days later, the Woman in the Purple Skirt again headed out for a job interview. This time it was at a factory that made Chinese-style steamed pork buns. More evidence of her complete lack of judgement. Didn´t she know that if you wanted to work in the food industry, the first thing they look at is the condition of your nails and hair? No way is a woman with dry, dull, unkempt hair like a rat´s nest, and nails that are black, going to stand a chance. I knew she was going to fail -”
sid 84
”- Something about her struck me as a bit off. She had none of the easy rhythm and speed that she normally had when walking. Maybe it was because it was late, and there were fewer people to avoid, but my goodness, she hardly seemed able to put one foot in front of the other.
Had Supervisor Tsukada worked her too hard? It was her third day of work. Her eyes were dull and unfocused, her head lolled on her neck, and her jaw was slack.”
Hanneles bokparadis
en bok om mig…? Tack för smakbiten!
Okänd bok för mig. Och ja, jag ser helst att folk som arbetar med livsmedelsproduktion tänker på hygien. 🙂
nytt japanskt namn för mig. spännnde! tack för smakebiten!
Låter som att denna ”hon” har haft en jobbig dag. Men den där ”jag” låter faktiskt lite otäck, en sådan koll på en okänd människa ?
Tack för smakbiten! Har inte läst något av författaren men blev nyfiken.